Additional Resources
for Adult Day Staff
Adult Day Centers have specific needs, such as activity ideas and information to share with family members. This page includes resources we have developed at COPSA and links to resources you can use and share. From time to time, we will add new resources and new topics. Please contact us with any feedback and requests by using the phone number or contact link at the top of the page. We also have included materials to support Adult Day Center staff.

Additional Resources for Adult Day Staff
Adult Day Centers have specific needs, such as activity ideas and information to share with family members. This page includes resources we have developed at COPSA and links to resources you can use and share. From time to time, we will add new resources and new topics. Please contact us with any feedback and requests by using the phone number or contact link at the top of the page. We also have included materials to support Adult Day Center staff.

Compassion Fatigue & Burnout
Understanding Dementia
Many care providers experience wear and tear from the daily care given to others and the many feelings that arise. Our handout Healing Compassion Fatigue and Burnout Through Self-Care suggests ways to create your own toolbox for self-care and burnout prevention.
Dr. Kristen Neff offers information and guided mediations on self-compassion.
Explore what you are doing for your wellness and resources that you can use to boost your wellness in different dimensions.
My Professional Protection Plan: Download this one-page worksheet to make plans to boost your satisfaction and to reduce or avoid compassion fatigue and burnout at work.
Take a free quiz to explore your happiness at work. The quiz items give you a chance to reflect on what contributes to how you feel during the workday.
Wellness Training Learning Collaborative: Strategies and resources to support workforce wellness
Wellness Resource Tip Sheets: These free one-page Wellness Resource tip sheets are great for sharing! Consider setting up a wellness bulletin board for staff, where new information can be posted every week or month.
Winter Wellness: Many people find the winter months create a special challenge for self-care. Check out the latest version of Winter Wellness—a booklet to help you reflect on what you do to stay well in winter and plan what actions you will take.
Try a Workplace Kindness Challenge at your program

Adult Day Center Activities
Seasonal activities can be very engaging. Here is an example for summertime.
Families and Adult Day staff may find this Activities Brochure helpful.
Families and Adult Day staff may benefit from this information on Adapting Activities for People with Alzheimer’s Disease.
Check out our other brochures on our Professional Resources page.

Supporting Families
Adult Day staff may find this handout on Caregiver Coaching helpful.
Family members may need help planning daily activities. Download and share this helpful worksheet: Family Managing Your Day Worksheet.
Try this calendar of daily activities for happiness.
For information on our support groups and educational programming for caregivers, visit our Support Groups page.
Families and Adult Day Staff may find this brochure on Types of Dementia helpful.
Have you or a loved one been recently diagnosed? Check out our brochure: Newly Diagnosed? What now? Tips for coping, caring and planning after receiving a dementia diagnosis.
Are your staff supporting someone with Parkinson’s Disease? This staff training resource may be helpful: Taking Care of the Person with Advanced Parkinson’s Disease.Ó This specialized online training course was developed by the American Parkinson’s Disease Association (APDA) for training aides, nurses, and other providers. This free course takes about one hour to complete and provides a certificate of completion and one hour of CEU.
Are your staff supporting someone with Lewy Body Dementia? The National Institutes of Health offers a free downloadable 44-page booklet on Lewy Body Dementia. The booklet also covers Parkinson’s Disease Dementia. Some information may be helpful to Adult Day Center staff, although the booklet seems primarily geared towards people with Lewy Body Dementia and their families.
Are your staff supporting someone with Frontotemporal Dementia? The National Institutes of Health offers a free downloadable 36-page booklet on Frontotemporal Disorders. The booklet may be helpful for training staff, but also is designed for people with frontotemporal disorders and their families.
Other brochures are available for download on our Professional Resources page.

For a complete listing of all of COPSA’s
currently available resources,
click the link below.
Compassion Fatigue & Burnout
Many care providers experience wear and tear from the daily care given to others and the many feelings that arise. Our handout Healing Compassion Fatigue and Burnout Through Self-Care suggests ways to create your own toolbox for self-care and burnout prevention.
Dr. Kristen Neff offers information and guided mediations on self-compassion.
Explore what you are doing for your wellness and resources that you can use to boost your wellness in different dimensions.
My Professional Protection Plan: Download this one-page worksheet to make plans to boost your satisfaction and to reduce or avoid compassion fatigue and burnout at work.
Take a free quiz to explore your happiness at work. The quiz items give you a chance to reflect on what contributes to how you feel during the workday.
Wellness Training Learning Collaborative: Strategies and resources to support workforce wellness
Wellness Resource Tip Sheets: These free one-page Wellness Resource tip sheets are great for sharing! Consider setting up a wellness bulletin board for staff, where new information can be posted every week or month.
Winter Wellness: Many people find the winter months create a special challenge for self-care. Check out the latest version of Winter Wellness—a booklet to help you reflect on what you do to stay well in winter and plan what actions you will take.
Try a Workplace Kindness Challenge at your program

Understanding Dementia
Families and Adult Day Staff may find this brochure on Types of Dementia helpful.
Have you or a loved one been recently diagnosed? Check out our brochure: Newly Diagnosed? What now? Tips for coping, caring and planning after receiving a dementia diagnosis.
Are your staff supporting someone with Parkinson’s Disease? This staff training resource may be helpful: Taking Care of the Person with Advanced Parkinson’s Disease.Ó This specialized online training course was developed by the American Parkinson’s Disease Association (APDA) for training aides, nurses, and other providers. This free course takes about one hour to complete and provides a certificate of completion and one hour of CEU.
Are your staff supporting someone with Lewy Body Dementia? The National Institutes of Health offers a free downloadable 44-page booklet on Lewy Body Dementia. The booklet also covers Parkinson’s Disease Dementia. Some information may be helpful to Adult Day Center staff, although the booklet seems primarily geared towards people with Lewy Body Dementia and their families.
Are your staff supporting someone with Frontotemporal Dementia? The National Institutes of Health offers a free downloadable 36-page booklet on Frontotemporal Disorders. The booklet may be helpful for training staff, but also is designed for people with frontotemporal disorders and their families.
Other brochures are available for download on our Professional Resources page.

Adult Day Center Activities
Seasonal activities can be very engaging. Here is an example for summertime.
Families and Adult Day staff may find this Activities Brochure helpful.
Families and Adult Day staff may benefit from this information on Adapting Activities for People with Alzheimer’s Disease.
Check out our other brochures on our Professional Resources page.

Supporting Families
Adult Day staff may find this handout on Caregiver Coaching helpful.
Family members may need help planning daily activities. Download and share this helpful worksheet: Family Managing Your Day Worksheet.
Try this calendar of daily activities for happiness.
For information on our support groups and educational programming for caregivers, visit our Support Groups page.
For a complete listing of all of COPSA’s currently available resources, click the link below.
key to the continued
success of our programs.

key to the continued success of our programs.